Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Drink Problem, The Solution, Education & Treatment

So in this post Im going to be talking about how we can solve and move forward issues with Eduction and Treatment of addictions.

Ok so lets begin with Education.  There are a few key points I think need to be addressed around the education of alcohol, drug and substance abuse, they are as follows;

Firstly we can not educate with a ‘Just say No’ attitude as this will only cause natural rebellion, we need to use case studies and some shock and awe approach to simply give children the tools with which to make there own informed decision
Education needs to be done as early as year 6 or 7 of education as kids are experimenting a lot earlier now days

We need to dedicate more time to the education of the above matters so that we can arm our young with the information with which to make there own decisions

At the same time as educating about the risks of alcohol, drug and substance abuse we also need to teach that should the children run into problems and become addicts that there is help available and there needn't be a stigma around reaching out and seeking help

I would love to some how campaign for all the above, not quite sure how i would do it, any ideas?  I might start by finding out who the education minister is and contacting them as well as teaching unions, thoughts please?

As for treatment well I feel we and the government need to support recovery charities a lot more and also there should be more setup so that the problem can be truly treat.  I also have a concept for a group training session as a first port of call for people who enter recovery, a course based around morally owning the decisions one has made in becoming an addict rather then blaming other people or factors, I don’t know how I would get this off the ground either! maybe contacting agencies and running demonstrations for them of the structure of the course.

Thats all for now, please offer feedback if you have any




  1. Would be very interesting to see. I'm having issues getting a willing family member into inpatient rehab but because she us on Medicare and Medicaid they will only pay for intensive outpatient. She cannot even keep her prescribed meds and take them or forgets and gets wasted because she double takes them. There needs to be more help out there for people like her with no funds for treatment especially when she's finally willing....

  2. Cnt get this right lol, just wanted to say well done n keep up the good work xx

  3. Cnt get this right lol, just wanted to say well done n keep up the good work xx
