Thursday, February 25, 2016

We Need to Reform issues

  1. 1)      We need to look at the idea of following Americas lead and making the minimum drinking age 21, so as to burden Crime and NHS less
  2. 2)      We need to supply schools and youth organisations with Naloxone and the relevant training.  I would hope and pray that it would never need to be used, but if doing this saves 1 life then it is fully worth doing.  Furthermore we need to be realistic about the fact that peer pressure leads to younger and heavier drug use in the world we live in today.
  3. 3)      We need to reform our education around the subject of drink and drugs, as early as year 6 or 7.
  4. 4)      We need to re-debate minimum unit pricing of alcohol
  5. 5)      We need to address how alcohol is advertised and where in Supermarkets, for example in one set aisle not as soon as you walk in the door, besides food or at till points
  6. 6)      We need to label alcohol the same way we label boxes of cigarettes
  7. 7)      I want to see new technology attempt to reduce drink driving.  My suggestion is that on a car key fob we introduce a tiny breathalyser.  To open the car you blow a sample and if it is under safe limit the car opens.  If you are over the limit the car does not open.  If then the car is opened via another sample that is not in sync with the amount of time for the drink level to come back down to a safe level a GPS signal is sent to local traffic Police who can track the vehicle and carry out checks.
  8. 8)      We need to establish and fund Recovery Communities, 1 in at least each region of the United Kingdom if not every town or city, to build a solid backbone of recovery within the United Kingdom.
  9. 9)      Instead of cutting funding for services, we need to re-distribute taxes made via addictive manners, such as prescriptions, gambling and drinking, into  not only the recovery sector but also into mental health services.

Monday, February 22, 2016

hello how are we?

Good morning how are we all?

I have a busy week on, moving my stuff in storage at my brand new built flat in Birmingham ahead of my moving in next Sunday/Monday if not sooner.

Also Im on a course in Coventry Tuesday and Wednesday and then at the National DDN conference in Birmingham on Thursday.  All this and trying to push book sales and secure media appearances book some launch events.

Love Karl

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Update on Book, I have penned a poem

Hi how you doing?

SO quick update, Im working away on the book, its getting toward final edit part now, all very exciting!.

I have penned a poem especially for the book here it is, hope you like it, speak soon

By Karl Newton

As I stand here on the jetty, looking at my boat bobbling around in the calm of the shore
I feel a sense of nerves and emotion
I have seldom felt before

As I look across the bay, I see a land of much allure
Full of hope and promise
The likes of which, I have never had before

I take one last glance behind me, at the place my heart once called a home
The fairground now is shutting, and dark clouds are setting the tone

I board my boat and cast off out to sea
Full of hope and desire
For my new life to be.

I row and I row until I hit some choppy seas
All of a sudden a dark mist is surrounding me
I’m lost in the wilderness between
The past and where I want to be

I find myself lost and full of doubt
Sinking emotionally
But then in a glimpse of wilting hope I recall
The land awaiting me
I grab my Orr, brace myself, then I fight the powers that be
Breathe by breathe, stroke by stroke, battling through the choppy seas

It is not too long until the black clouds fade and a ray of sunshine beckons me
The sea goes calm, the load gets light
And what is this I see?
The coast of the new land which welcomes me warm and gratefully

I take a look back across at the sea to my home that used to be
It has been battered and destroyed by the storm that troubled me

But not no more, As I stand on this shore.
I rode the wave and I was brave
And now I find the happiness I crave

Riding on the crest of my own happiness wave.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Happy Wednesday!

Hi Guys how are ya? Its Wednesday and again I am working away on the book.  I completed the first draft before Christmas.  Over the last week or 2 I listened back to the book and decided where editing was needed which Im currently in the process of doing.

After that it has become clear that a few more chapters need to be added and I will be writing a brand new poem for the book aswell.

As well as this the artwork is currently being worked on for the book, and I can confirm one way or another the book will be published by, no later then , June 2016!

Keep on keeping on

Love Karl