Tomato Ketchup and Drunk Phil Mitchell
So here is my latest blog post. Let’s start with a slight rant as funny as it is lol. I’ve managed to not drink due to be prescribed antabuse medication. Antabuse acts in a way that if you allow alcohol into your bloodstream it causes a reaction which can be at best you get violently ill and may need medical attention aswell as nausea and plenty of other unpleasant effects. Worst case scenario it could cause seizures, heart failure, falling into a coma and even death. It can also cause skin reactions upon the use of alcohol hand gels or aftershaves etc. Never so much in my life have I had to be wearer of every single thing I eat or use and had to label read so much when out shopping. Of all the things that I am missing the most one thing stands out more then any tomato ketchup. Ketchup and tomato sauces tend to contain spirit vinegar. If you look carefully enough you can find other cooking sauces or pizzas etc that don’t contain it however every single tomato ketchup that I’ve read the label for contains spirit vinegar. I’ve even looked on the internet for one that does not and no luck. I’m often asked do you miss drink, maybe a nice cold pint of larger at the end of a long hard day and my answer would be for all my logic no!. However do I miss tomato ketchup on a perfect bacon sarnie on a Saturday or Sunday morning, heartbreakingly so!
So its now been 6 months since I last had a drank, well 6 months tomorrow the 7th August. Well 24 weeks to be exact. I feel I am a completely different person now to the one I was, I often compare it in my head to the 2 different Phil Mitchell’s on EastEnders drunk Phil and normal Phil. Not to say I’m gonna now turn into a thug now I have control again or start doing over anyone who crosses my fammmmmilllyy but that when I was drunk I was (or at least I thought I was) everyone’s clown, a right laugh, I had no love and respect for myself, wouldn’t care about others or there feelings or situations I might put myself in. As I write this now I think of certain ways I used to be like not washing, choosing drink over food, letting people down to go drink instead, often not remembering hours on end or even whole days, never remembering how I got home and often waking up to a wet bed due to intoxicated impotence, not cleaning my teeth ever, lying to people and hiding the true extent of my drinking, borrowing money I could never pay back to fund drink, erratically quitting jobs or not showing up for work or doing so intoxicated, the list could go on. None of these things I’m proud of but I am slowly growing self love for myself now, I’ve now started improving my wardrobe, I now clean and mouthwash my mouth twice daily, I wash, exfoligate and moisturise my face twice daily and eat well. I’ve also replaced alcohol with all sorts of herbal teas I have a cupboard full of hundreds of different bags ranging in flavor and function.
I’m gonna wrap up for today and I will write more soon, take care!
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