Friday, August 14, 2015

Dealing with events and landmarks that im used to drinking at.

Dealing with events and landmarks that im used to drinking at.
So in my last post I wrote about how I deal with going on nights out and socialising since I gave up drinking 6 months ago. In this post I’m going to talk about landmark dates and events that would usually see me use drink. I’m going to list now all of these that I have encountered so far and how I dealt with them without having a drink.
My birthday April 18th, this year was the first birthday in 16 years when I’ve not had a drink. I did this through firstly choosing not to have a big birthday night out instead I went to the cinema and had a nice meal with my gf at the time and no drink involved.  I then pinned all my celebrations onto the next day when I had a day with my family especially my young nieces and nephews who I do not drink around.
My brothers wedding and wedding reception May and June this year.  Normally this would be the sort of occasion which I would drink heavily at.  Instead I focused my attention onto being uncle Karl and wanted to make my family proud of my soberity and didn’t want to ruin that.
July this year, I had to deal with the break up of a significant relationship sober for the first time ever.  I was upset and disappointed that it had ended and usually given this sort of thing and my upset and emotions I would usually drink very heavily.  I didn’t know how to cope so I simply went recluse and didn’t get out of bed for like ¾ days, didn’t wash, only ate takeaway’s, didn’t speak to anyone.  It wasn’t ideal and not good for my mental health but it got me through and I did not drink so mission achieved I guess.
July 28th this year, the anniversary of the tragic and unexpected young death of my uncle Chris who I idolised.  This year was the 5th anniversary and the previous 4 years had seen me drink heavily.  This year I managed not to by trying to fill my day and stay busy so as not to give myself a chance to crave a drink and it worked as I did not drink.

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